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BAFI - cuticle nippers 9,5/7

16,50 €

Original price
19,40 €

15% (2,90 €)


Product code

(25 ks in stock)

Professional cuticle nippers.

- Miniature rounded handles, optimal for small hands
- Narrowed working tip for easy access to hard-to-reach areas
- Matte, non-slip outer surface
- Medical-grade stainless steel
- Can be disinfected and sterilized

Tool length: 95 mm, blade length: 7 mm.

Last visited1

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95% of goods in stock

We are constantly replenishing our stock and expanding our range of goods. Therefore, we guarantee our customers most of the ordered goods in stock.

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We deliver throughout the EU

We will deliver the ordered goods to all countries of the European Union (except the Canary Islands) according to the valid price list

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Call us and we will advise you

Our specialists are available on-line during working hours: Monday - Friday 10:00 - 18:00 and Saturday 12:00 - 18:00